Our Goals

    • Spread more awareness about the environment
    • With the kits, you can install lights and charge devices
    • It also comes with a solar panel which receives the light
    • It stored in the battery
    • It is pretty simple to build
    • It is also portable and can be transferred easily
    • This suitcase has been transforming kids' lives in third world countries
    • It also helps them reach their fullest potential by having light to study
    • Check it out here
    • It is a good substitute to a rooftop garden
    • It can be placed inside and we can use the vegetables and fruits for our own kitchen
    • It can grow more crops than a standard garden
    • There is a water tank at the bottom that brings water to the crops
    • The waste from the fish fertilize the soil for the crops
    • You don't need soil or gardening experience
    • Check it out here
    • Find speakers for assembly to educate and inform us on their latest projects
    • Global warming has killed over 100 million people
    • 14 billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean every year
    • 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed every year
    • People who live in polluted areas have a 20% higher chance of getting lung cancer
    • The Mississippi River carries 1.5 tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of Mexico
    • 40% of lakes in America are too polluted for fishing or swimming
    • US uses 25% of natural resources
    • 1.2 trillion gallons of sewage and waste is dumped into water
    • Recycling and compost saves 85 million tons of waste from being untreated
    • Check it out here